Monday, January 17, 2011


I'm laying here on my couch in my living room and I can hear the sound of the freezing rain hitting my sliding doors...brrrr!!  Wasn't I just listening to the waves crashing on the shore just 10 days ago???  Ugh!  I miss Hawaii desperately! I miss the warmth, the sunshine, the laid back way of life, the total disregard to driving the posted speed limit, which was usually 45 and no one went slower than 55!!  I miss the moisture in the air and how wonderful my skin looked and felt!!  I hate this cold, dry air that is making my skin look like it has scales on it!  I even miss being so close to my family, although living in the same house for 10 days was starting to take its toll....maybe Hawaii will be in my future when I finish my degree....2 classes this semester and then 5 next semester....finally!!!

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